What a magnificent occasion this International Research Infrastructure Networking Event was – truly showcasing the power and potential of research infrastructures for high-impact research and development. As one of the core members of Flanders BioImaging, an Euro BioImaging node, ACAM presented recent progress in their spearpoint technology of data-driven microscopy (unbiased cell profiling, non-destructive histopatholgy and organoid staging ) to help researchers augment their research in Flanders and throughout Europe.
A big thanks to Jelle Hendrix and his team (AOMC UHasselt) who organized the networking event, the illuminating insights from our colleagues at ELIXIR, INSTRUCT-ERIC, BBMRI-ERIC, AnaEE-ERIC, GIGA and EMPHASIS, and the broader perspective from John Eriksson (Director General of Euro-BioImaging), Caroline Volckaert (FWO), Philip Van den Heede (policy advisor UGent) and Ken Haenen (vice-rector reseaerch UHasselt). The key take-home is that Europe is leading when it comes to fostering next-gen research through harmonisation of cutting-edge technologies.